Had lunch at the mall with Amanda’s grandparents, Amanda and her aunt, Anna Frazelle. Peggy and Earl were in town for a dental appointment with Barry (Anna’s husband).
They came by the house later to pick up the tables and chairs they’d let us use for the party. They were a little annoyed because they had gotten a call from the place Peggy’s going to on Friday to have her surgery (breast cancer, which the doctors are extremely optimistic about) and they said they needed them to come in tomorrow to go over some things and sign some papers. They wish they’d known earlier, since they were in Wilmington all day today and could have probably taken care of it while they were around, as opposed to having to come to Wilmington from Beulaville today, tomorrow and Friday.
Since it was already close to 6:00 they decided to take us out to dinner at Golden Corral, which isn’t Amanda’s favorite place. I like it well enough though, and old people always love the place. Something about geriatrics and buffets. While we were there we saw this larger couple sitting near us. The lady of the couple had her back to us and when she sat down you could see almost her entire wrinkly, dimply ass. It honestly gave me pause before eating when I saw that. I took a picture with my iPhone.
When we got home I was going to play around on the computer a bit while Amanda watched American Idol, but then she said that they were doing Jon Lenon and Paul McCartney songs, so of course I had to check it out. I liked Chikezie’s performance a lot. I loathed Ramiele’s rendition of In My Life, but that’s one of my favorite songs and one I want played at my funeral when I die. David Archuleta, Kristy Lee Cook, Syesha Mercado and David Hernandez all did pretty bad. David, who I think has a good voice but I don’t really like that much, forgot his words and did a “Stevie Wonder” version of the song he sang. Kristy did some odd bluegrass version of a song. Ugh. She’s still cute though.
Zach Dotsey