We were late getting to Paul and Kim’s but Rob and Kristen were only a few minutes ahead of us. We stopped and got some Chick-Fil-A on the way. Ben and Jessica weren’t able to make it to Paul and Kim’s tonight on account of a late cable guy, which sucks. I’m honestly not pointing any blame, but it’s hard to get this group going when a couple isn’t around one week or another. It’s probably been a month since we’ve had a time where everyone has been there, and it’ll probably be until after the new year that we do again.

Amanda and I stuck around a little bit after Rob and Kristen left and I helped them set up their new Dell computer. Kim was very excited about getting a computer hooked up.

Work was very productive. Josh has been behind since his grandfather’s funeral, so we got extra people to help knock out some of the projects that were falling behind. Worked well.