MarioKart Ownage

MarioKart Ownage

I would like to begin today’s post by thanking my good friend Nick Warkentien.  It’s a good friend who can, without ego, remind his friend to keep humble.  Out of twelve races, I beat him at one, and that one was close.  I will say that on our second round of races, I panicked and […]

Eli Party Guy

Eli Party Guy

We went pretty much first thing over to the Masons’ house today.  We’ve known them for a while, but we’d never gotten around to going over there.  Not only was it the first time we went to their house, but it was also the first time we met their new baby, Brynn. Of course, I […]

Get Mommy

Get Mommy

Amanda and I played a new game with Milly this evening.  Milly and I had gone outside and were waiting for Amanda to join us when I decided we should hide then get Mommy when she came outside.  I picked Milly up and went behind a bush then announced my plans loud enough for Amanda […]