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Went to the 8:30 service at Port City after waking up at 7. Nice thing about that is we have a lot more day that way. After church we grabbed a bagel from Manhattan, which has become a tradition for us. Amanda goes there a lot and they always know to get her a cheddar bagel with plain cream cheese for her, but today they knew to get me a toasted blueberry muffin, which was cool. Unfortunately, I had decided to go with the same as Amanda today.

After that we went home. I took a nap, Amanda folded clothes. (I get the honor of putting them away.) I woke up when a woman called who had bought some of her jewelry from Halilu and really liked it. The lady has two other girls who make jewelry for her in Raleigh and in Mexico. Amanda’s meeting with her tomorrow.

We then went out to get some jewelry stuff from Place to Bead (where Amanda used to work) then to another place to get something for Annie and Rick’s baby shower next weekend. I don’t want to say what we got on the severe off-chance that one of them may actually read this.

We ate at Nofo (to check it out because Venuecom did their website). A lady there had a big fat cute pug and we talked to her and her mom for a bit. The ease of talking to people there made the atmosphere kinda nice. After that we went to the beach. The plan was to only stay a little bit then go home to take care of some plans we had, but we ended up going out to Masonboro Island, which was pretty cool. I need to take my camera next time, because there are so many good images to be captured there.

We went home and took care of the plans, and I suppose we’re going to watch tv for the rest of the night.