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Bruce woke us up barking like mad again and running to the front door at about 4am. He calmed down, but I stayed paranoid because of the time a few months ago when someone walked through our backyard at about three in the morning. I made a few comments, which, had I been less asleep and thinking more clearly I wouldn’t have said, because I knew it would upset Amanda. I stayed up a few minutes but she went to sleep pretty quickly. Apparently though, she had a nightmare where I was looking out the bedroom window and she saw someone walking back and forth in the living room, looking at her. In her dream she was so scared she could do nothing but pant in fear. She said she woke up breathing like that, then took my hand and went back to sleep.

At lunch Amanda complained about me working past 5 and sometimes past 6 and sometimes all night. She was very sweet about it though, offering me tips to better manage my time. Honestly, it was a little annoying at first, but that was my ego and like I said, I eventually found it to be sweet.

We got dinner from… guess where… Buffalo Wild Wings last night, but we ate here instead, opting to catch up on some DVRed tv.

I played around with an idea for a new banner a couple nights ago, and tonight I played around with turning it into the entire site. I may still do it.