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I took a break today to go across town to Savannah’s, a restaurant at Wrightsville that came highly recommended by Anna, to pick up a gift card for Paul and Kim, whose second anniversary is today. It’s a nice-looking place (and their webpage was done by Sage Island) and the manager was nice enough to let me come by before they were open to pick up the card. Amanda also picked up a card for them, as well as a housewarming card for them and Ben and Jessica.

Turns out though that Paul and Kim couldn’t make it tonight. They wanted to go out to eat to celebrate before coming over for Small Group, but Paul got home late. Amanda said he sounded pretty torn about bailing on us, but I think it was commendable that they even considered coming over on their anniversary

The Small Group meeting was a good one. We were all pretty open about things.

Dad called just to see how things were. I told him to check out this site since I update this daily, so Dad, if you’re reading this, hi!