Last night I dreamed I was somewhere similar to the last apartment I had in Greensboro. I think the complex was called College Park, and it was on University Drive, right down from the intersection of Aycock and Walker very close to the UNCG campus. Anyway, I was hanging out with Liesl Ehardt, a girl I barely knew but talked to a few times (and had this huge crush-from-afar thing going on with- she’s now an actress). Just like in real life, we didn’t know each other too well, but we were in the dining area of my apartment packing book bags and getting ready for the first day of a new semester at school. So we chatted a bit then she left. It was all very third grade innocent-like.
After that, my wife, Amanda Dotsey, came by (guilt for hanging out in my dreamscape with an old crush?) and I think we ate breakfast or something. Toast maybe. Either way we were just sitting at the table talking.
I can place most of the elements of this dream. I noticed on MySpace yesterday that it was Liesel’s birthday, so I sent her a little Happy Birthday message. The school parts of it come from my brother-in-law, Michael Mercer transferring to UNCW and moving in with us. Yesterday he had his orientation and made out his schedule.