Work was actually not very busy today. A pleasant change of pace.
Played some Gears with Michael, had a good time goofing off on Xbox Live.
Amanda, Michael and I went to Atlanta Bread Company for dinner then to see Children of Men with Anna and Barry. I parked the car while Amanda and Michael went to get tickets before we ate. I ran up to them in the line and told them I changed my mind, that I wanted to see Stomp the Yard, a movie about stomping. Like, stomp dancing. Every time the commercials for the movie come on I sarcastically talk about how much I want to see it. The funny thing about that is that when we saw Anna and Barry they told us that their youngest daughter, Kirsten, was seeing that with a friend.
I really liked the movie, but I was in the minority of opinion. Barry liked it well enough, and Amanda liked it alright, but Michael and Anna really didn’t like it.
When we got back Renee was watching The Producers and Adam was playing StarCraft, which I suggested to him. He got the bug in his head about it, which is nice. I’ve been trying to get Michael to play it for a while now to add something to it when Jason and I play, but he’s been resistant. He likes Risk; games like StarCraft are the next progression from there.
Michael and I played a bit of Raw vs. Smackdown on the Xbox and took some time to explore how to play, so we enjoyed it more than we did when we tried playing it a while back. Eventually we ended up playing more Gears of War. We were playing with a pretty good group of people, so it was more fun even than usual.
Zach Dotsey