I went to The Connection for the first half of work today. I just thought it’d be nice to get out of the house. At noon I went to the food court of Independence Mall to meet Amanda, Michael and their grandparents, Peggy and Earl Lemons. Earl had a dental appointment at 2:00, and when they’re in town they like to go to eat at the Independence Mall food court. Earl and I got hot dogs.

The hot dog guy was very friendly. He was so talkative that Earl asked later if I knew him. I didn’t, he was just talkative so I was talkative back. He had red hair and mentioned the term “ginger” so I asked him if he’d ever seen the South Park Ginger episode, which he had. So then we talked about South Park while he got the hot dogs ready.

We all eventually left there. I picked up my paycheck and went to the bank. (Yes! I can pay the mortgage now!) That was pretty much it for the day, although I just realized I didn’t eat dinner tonight. Oh well.

Boris Yeltsin died today. I don’t have much more to extrapolate on than that. Just thought I’d mention it.

Another thing I think I should mention is that since Sunday I’ve had this really painful sore on the inside of my right lower lip. Nasty, sure, but it’s been bugging me a lot. I didn’t notice it until I accidentally bit my lip, so I’m not sure if the sore was there then I bit it or if I bit my lip and it caused the sore. Starting today though I noticed my gum hurts right there too. I don’t know if that’s related or not either. Likely so, huh?

We watched American Idol and House tonight. American Idol was all-round decent. Hard to say who’ll go home, but I’m guessing either LaKisha or Chris. There was a big focus on this fund drive they’re doing called Idol Gives Back. It’s focused on poverty in America and Africa.
I caught up on TV shows that Amanda doesn’t watch after she went to bed. I’d recorded a show on the History Channel, I think it was called Underworld, about the hidden, abandoned places beneath cities. This one, the first episode I believe, was about a whole subterranean city beneath Edinburgh, Scotland and how it came about and the things that have gone on there. I think it’s amazing and mystifying that there are such large expanses of cityscape unused but still connected to the outside world.

I also watched Boston Legal, where they take on a stand-in for the Bratz dolls, then this past week’s episode of The Sopranos. There doesn’t seem to be much progression with this last few episodes. The last two episodes this wasn’t bothering me, but it started to with this one. I mean, as an episode it was good and full character, but it just doesn’t feel like they’ve been building much towards a big finale.

During all this I was working on coloring a picture I’d started Photoshop painting a while back. I’ve got a bunch of them that I started at some point then stopped and started on another then went back again. The result is below. Like I said, all I did was paint it, add some effects and throw it into a city backdrop. Without further ado, my Photoshop Painted Iron Man:

Photoshop Painted Iron Man | Zach Dotsey

Zach Dotsey