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My throat’s scratchy which means I’m definitely getting sick, so I’m going to make this a quick one.

I met with Scott at the Port City Java we used to meet at back when I lived in Sunset Park. It’s been redecorated and looks nice. Mainly we talked about setting goals, ways to utilize the new program we’re building and we went over some design and marketing aspects of the redesigned site.

I forewent a workout today in order to try to go surfing, and Amanda said she’d go to the beach too and go for a walk, but she ended up not getting home until about 5:30 and we went to pick up her co-worker Trish (not that she was out of the way- she lives off a road we pass on the way to Wrightsville Beach anyway) and we didn’t get out there until probably 6:15. I talked to Anna Frazelle when we got there and she said the waves out there weren’t good learning waves anyway, so I didn’t end up surfing today. I should have just gone to the gym. Elliot Clark called and said he’d be up there for the first time in quite a while, so I felt a bit bad about that.

Oh yeah, when we went to pick Trish up she was waving a Carolina sweatshirt. She lives in a small cul-de-sac so when I saw that I just kept driving around the circle. I let her in, but she was decent enough to keep the offensive sweatshirt out of my site.  On the beach she used it to collect sea shells, which I figured debased the shirt appropriately enough.
We got home and ate egg and cheese sandwiches, which Amanda was gracious enough to make. My brother Adam came by with his little black kitten T’Challa, who, if he got along well enough with Bruce and Cobb, was going to spend the night. T’Challa actually hissed at Cobb a bit before settling down. Later in the night Cobb has been showing irritability towards the younger cat, so I’ve sprayed him with a little water tonight. Anyway, Adam had mainly come for a haircut (I clipper cut his hair) and to borrow the air mattress because his old friend, Joe Runkle, was coming to visit Thursday.

He also ended up watching the two-hour season premiere of Beauty and the Geek. They have a twist this time where there’s a female geek and a male beauty. The guy looks downright vapid. It almost seems unfair to the other guys. Then again, maybe, just maybe, it will underscore to the girls that looks aren’t everything. I think though that a few of the girls will go after him and cause some drama. Who knows?

I’m helping out with the small group connection tomorrow night. It’ll be the first time I’ve ever missed our own small group when it wasn’t already canceled for some other reason.

Zach Dotsey