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Milly’s getting closer and closer to getting here!  With all the stuff stored up in the nursery, baby clothes hanging in closets, furniture in disarray to reorganize into a new room plus drawings and paintings on the wall, it seems to be getting closer and closer!

This week, Milly should weigh in at about four pounds and measure 19 inches.  She’s continuing to get ready for life outside by practicing swallowing, breathing, kicking and sucking.  The fat is also accumulating under her skin, which has finally become opaque, so you can’t see through it anymore.

Normally on the even weeks Amanda and I take some pictures of her.  With all that’s been going on this weekend we sort of slacked off.  Maybe we’ll get some later in the week.

Also, we’re having an ultrasound on Tuesday.  Amanda measured a little small last week at the baby doctor so they want to measure the baby with an ultrasound just to check her size.  I’m less worried about it than I am excited about getting to have another ultrasound!