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Amanda and I went to church this morning, as we generally do on Sunday mornings, then did a little running around.  First we went to Target to look at a rug she thought about getting yesterday.  We really need something to break up all the space in the nursery but I didn’t want to spend a crapload of money on something we wouldn’t be able to wash that Bruce would very likely, at some point, pee on.  We ended up getting one that wasn’t fuzzy and could have been a foot longer and wider, but it’s colorful and matches the room pretty well, so it works.

We don’t need shelves anymore- Amanda got some yesterday.  She ended up going with a rolling framework that accommodates hangers and hanging shelves.  She also got a hamper that fits in it.  Pretty handy.

After that we went to Toysaurus (or Toys R Us- it’s a term I picked up from my friend Jason Revill, who in turn had picked it up from his sister-in-law, Crystal Revill).  We were returning a bouncy seat because one of the pieces seemed to be messed up and wouldn’t go together.  Amanda (in particular) and I both had tried pretty valiantly last Saturday to get that last piece together, but it just wouldn’t go.

We cleaned a little then Amanda fretted over organizing the nursery (at least that’s what I always assume she’s doing in there, since it’s all finished up).  I tried to nap upstairs but Amanda asked me to do a few things, so I eventually went to nap on a couch downstairs, but then the dogs kept wanting attention and when someone called on the phone Amanda walked around talking at her normal inside voice (which isn’t akin to other people’s inside voices) so I eventually gave up.

Stanton wanted to see the house, so he stopped by on his way back to Chapel Hill.  While he was hanging out Michael showed up and so did Phil Mercer, Amanda and Michael’s dad, who had built and brought us a window seat for the dormer in the nursery.  It was nice of him to not only finish it up so quickly, but to make a special trip for it.

Stanton and Phil left after a little bit and the rest of us headed over to La Casa Frazelle to celebrate Hannah Frazelle’s 20th birthday.  (Her actual birthday is tomorrow.)  It was pretty flat out, but Michael and I saw a couple ridable sets when we went to check the surf so we figured we’d go on out and give it a try.  We only had about an hour and a half before dinner, so I convinced Amanda to let me take the new camera out with me, ostensibly so I could keep track of the time.  The baggies I wore today fortunately didn’t have wax in the pocket.

It was, indeed, pretty flat out, not to mention mushy to the point that a lot of the waves that did come in had no power at all behind them.  I caught a couple fun ones though.  Michael was about to catch the best wave he had an opportunity to get at one point when a kite surfer skimmed by and cut him off.  It wouldn’t have been such a pissy thing to do except the guy literally had the whole entire ocean to play in and he ended up cutting Michael off on one of the very few waves he could have caught in the time we were out there.  The guy sailed on by a minute later and apologized at least.

We went in and were ready to eat by 6:00 and ate with the Frazelles plus Hannah’s boyfriend, Christian Black, and a friend of Kirsten’s.

Aunt Robbie called me on the way home to see how things were going, check in on Amanda and the like, being pregnant and all.

Back home, Amanda spray painted the shelves for the window seat while I stopped over at Bonnie and Dave Narron’s to see if they had a lawn seeder I could use in the next few days (which they don’t- Dave threw it out a few months ago).  Amanda came over too after a bit and we socialized.  The had gutted their living room and were remodeling it.

Dave and a friend had caught some nice-sized fish today so I took a picture for them.

Zach Dotsey