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After Mom and Dad left Amanda and I evetually settled into naps.  Visitors started showing up at about 3:30 when Mike, Sarah, Henry and Lauren Nowak showed up.  Shortly after they left Charity Lane, then Cyra Sherburn, then Laura Wyte, all from Amanda’s work, came by.

Up to that point, Milly still hadn’t done much with the feeding.  The lactation consultant (what a title!) gave Amanda some pointers earlier, and at about 6:00 Amanda tried to feed her again, this time with good results.  Lars and Kaitlyn came right as Milly was settling in with the feeding, so I went to the lobby with them and waited until Amanda was done to take them into the room.

Over the course of the next little while the Sikeses (is that how you pluralize Sikes?), the Warkentiens, (along with some bagels and cream cheese as per Amanda’s request) came, followed by the rest of our small group, including a birthday cake for Milly from the Kays all showed up.  There was a lot of baby holding and picture taking for the next little while.

Amanda fed Milly again after everyone left and she did a really good job again.  I guess hunger is helping her get the hang of it.

Michael went to stay at our house tonight.  My parents stopped by the house to let out Bruce and Harvey on their way out of town, but they’d been cooped up inside ever since.  Bruce has been depressed with us being gone so long.  Bonnie watched them yesterday and told us that he hadn’t touched his food, having only eaten grass, which helps upset stomachs I believe.  My dad also told me that when they left the house this morning Bruce was howling like mad, I guess thinking he was being abandoned again.  Poor guy, I hate to do that to him.

Zach Dotsey