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Milly woke up at about 3:30 this morning.  I was too tired to change her, so I stuck her passy back in her mouth, dropped the blanket over her and went back to bed.  I closed my eyes and opened them a second later at about 4:00 to hear Milly crying again.  This time I changed her diaper and spent a minute with her because she was talkative and happy.

At about 4:30 I got up one more time and this time I wrapped her up in the blanket, but I let her keep her arms out.  That did it.  Amanda woke up as I was getting back into bed and didn’t realize it was my third time out.

I woke up at 8:15 and Milly was still asleep, so I went ahead and got her up.  She was pretty good today, which is really good because work was very crazy today.  A bit of it centered around me having told someone how to do something to get something to work and having it completely ignored until the end of the day.  That makes for frustration all ’round.  And then I just had a number of items to take care of from over the weekend, although I’ve gotten to where I do respond to things more on the weekend now.

Billy Supplee and Cyra Sherburn came by tonight.  Billy brought chicken, cheese, pineapples and hamburger buns to put them on, which was very tasty.  Amanda made a salad and rice.

I sent Milly around the table to say goodnight before taking her to bed.  Cyra held her for a bit, but when she looked at Cyra she just started shrieking.  Maybe she hadn’t realized that I’d passed her off and was expecting my face, I don’t know.  It was kind of funny, but I really hope she hasn’t gotten to the point where she doesn’t like other people holding her.  Of course, she was fine with Billy a minute later.

After dinner we all watched How I Met Your Mother.  Billy left after a bit but Cyra stuck around and watched Big Bang Theory with us then she took off.

Zach Dotsey