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This Sunday was a little different from most.

I didn’t sleep well last night.  Don’t know why, just didn’t.  I had set myself an alarm for 6:30, but I got up a few minutes before that.  I took care of Bruce, Harvey and Cobb, toasted up some Pop Tarts and had a glass of water before getting a text from Lars, who had pulled up to the house.  From there we headed out to I-40, where we saw Barry and Hannah and followed them to Topsail Beach for some surfing.

There are a few hurricanes brewing out off the coast, so there were a number of surfers out in the water.  It wasn’t terribly crowded, but it was a bit.  We ended up going out by the rental house we go to every year for Labor Day, so it was kind of cool to be right there in a familiar place at a different time from the usual.

The surf was a little funky.  The waves were pretty big, but they either broke hard, didn’t break, or, when they did break, were very foamy.  I rode on Terry and I caught a few, so I had a good time.  The best wave I caught I could hardly see because I had too much water and hair in my eyes, but I did get up (blindly) and got a nice right.  What I did see of the wave I caught revealed a pretty sizable one I think.

On a side note, Hannah and Barry both noted the effects of doing P90X.  It’s nice to know I’m not just projecting wishful thinking.

When I got back in the Larsmobile, I saw that I had a text from Amanda, which read:

Milly wanted in the office.  Went to your desk, saw you weren’t there and said, “Dah?”

That’s pretty awesome.  When Amanda gets Milly up from naps during the week she’ll take her back to see me, so she’s used to seeing me in there and expected it.  Pretty cool.  Amanda said that Milly also said “up” and something else today, though it escapes me right now.  When we  were getting in the car later I got her to say “car,” although it was more along the lines of “ar” in the same tone I said it in.

More on Milly words, we got her to throw her arms up and say, “Whee!” yesterday.  She did it again briefly today for the Frazelles.

Milly was asleep when I got home, so Amanda and I did our P90X (last week of the first set of DVDs for now) after Lars, who came in to say hi, left.  When Milly got up we headed off to Wrightsville Beach.  We made a stop at Seth and Dana’s to pick up our steam cleaner.  They’re all packed up and are moving on out today.  I’m pretty sure I’ll be seeing Seth some in the not-too-distant future though.

We also stopped at Surf City Surf Shop to look at soft racks for the car, but apparently the type we want, where you clamp it onto the hood of the car, requires you to have a rain gutter on your car, which we don’t have.  There are other options, but they require running a strap through the interior of the car.  We did that last year and the inside of the car got drenched during a torrential downpour.

Milly got to show off her walking and talking to the Frazelles before she, Amanda and I went out on the beach.  Milly had a great time out there, playing in the sand, walking into the water, putting sand in her bucket and such.  She really enjoyed getting around and playing today.

We stopped by Zaxby’s to pick up some dinner on the way home.  Milly was really tired and napped until about 6:00, when we got her up to feed her.  She was still groggy until we gave her a bath after she finished eating.

Amanda and I spent the evening finishing up Persons Unknown, the end of which I’m mixed on.  Really, the only thing that bugged me was that nobody ever mentioned how the characters went from a van crash at the end of the previous episode to being spread all over the world (from America to Morocco) in four days with no resources.  Whatevs.

We also watched an episode of Supernatural.  We’ve been catching up last season on with summer reruns, but I think they skipped a few episodes because we didn’t remember a few of the things from the “previously on” bit.

You may notice that I didn’t mention having gone to church today.  We’re planning on watching this week’s service online tomorrow or Monday.

Milly’s still just a bit snotty and we’re not sure how well she’s been sleeping, so we’re planning on doing one more night in the guest room before we start sleeping upstairs again.

Zach Dotsey