Wake, what’s up? As a Duke fan, I generally have no animosity towards the Demon Deacons (though a lot of the fans seem to have some disproportional hate for the Blue Devils). I mean, I’ll usually pull for any ACC team aside from the Tar Heels when they’re playing a non-conference game, especially NC State and Wake Forest, since they’re non-UNC North Carolina teams.
But man, the Deacs are a laughingstock right now. As of tonight, they’re 6-6 with losses to Stetson, VCU, Winthrop, UNCW, Xavier and Presbyterian. A couple of those are respectable enough, but most are not. Some of the wins they do have aren’t all that great either, most notably a two-point win over UNCG.
Sure, they’ve got a new coach and had to dismiss a player, but it’s really getting to be a joke. I feel sorry for them. Pull it together, Wake Forest (but not against Duke)!
I beat Assassin’s Creed 2 yesterday. I have really enjoyed the series. I’m not sure what to play next though.
Work wasn’t terribly busy today so I drove Amanda and Milly to Milly’s 18-month checkup then, because I did have some things to do, worked for a while at a Port City Java. I got a good bit of work done and Amanda said Milly took her shot really well.
We stopped by Independence Mall after that. Karen was in town shopping with Anna and was planning on going by the mall, and we had to pass the mall on the way home anyway. We got there well before Karen though, so we walked around a little. Milly fell in love with a stuffed dog at the Hallmark store then promptly told it “bye bye” when she saw a stuffed armadillo with different-colored claws. I had to sneak it away from her.
We met up with Milly’s Nana at the carousel, where she bought a token for Milly to ride it. Amanda and Karen are both very susceptible to motion sickness, so I took her on it. Towards the end of it, Milly was shaking her head no, though she hasn’t done that other time when she rode a carousel. I don’t know if she was bored or was getting dizzy or what.
Karen and I conferred on some gifts for Amanda while Amanda and Milly went to Baby Gap, where I met up with them. Milly found some small stuffed animals and a book that some kid had apparently left there at some point and played with those for a while, either carrying them around or pushing them in her stroller. Milly and I left from there and headed on home.
Back at the house, Milly wanted to sit on the porch swing and sing “Swing, Swing” and look at the Christmas lights I’d gone ahead and plugged in. It was cold and it took me a bit to convince her to head back inside. I thought she’d be tired, but she stayed awake and happy for a while.
Amanda and Karen came home with some Hibachi steak and chicken with rice after a while. After dinner they gave Milly a bath, where she played with the bath crayons Erin gave her, I think for Christmas, last year. Milly really seemed to enjoy them.
After Milly went to bed, Amanda and Karen watched TV while I worked. A few things had come in tonight, so I figured I’d go ahead and knock them out tonight since I wasn’t really doing anything.
Speaking of not doing anything, we didn’t have small group tonight. Some people were sick, some were recovering from having babies, some were out of town. Just wasn’t a great night to meet.
Anyway, I ended up working until almost 11:00. Hopefully that’ll give me a pretty easy day tomorrow.
Zach Dotsey