Milly wanted to sleep in some today I think, but I got her up at 8:30.  She didn’t start showing signs of being tired until almost 11:00, but she was being very good, so I let her stay up.  She didn’t get back up until almost 3:00 though.  I guess it’s probably a sign of things to come, moving to just one long nap instead of two medium naps a day.

Not only was Milly very well behaved today, but she was really brave.  That’s the only way I can think to put it.  I gave her her eye drops by myself twice today and once with Amanda’s help this evening, and each time she knew what was about to happen, but she let us do the first one without any fight at all.  With the second drop she was crying and fighting it some, but I mean she was really great about it.  The fact that she would just lie down and let us give her the drops, knowing that she wasn’t going to like them, it just says “brave” to me.

I was feeling really tired today, though I’m not entirely sure why.  I took about a two hour nap when Amanda got home.  My right eye was starting to bother me, so whatever it is that Milly has/had in her eye is probably in mine, I guess.  It was definitely bothering me by the time I got up from my nap, but I put some drops in it and later put a hot washcloth over it, and that seems to have helped a lot.  Amanda told me that she and Milly had a fun time playing while I was napping.

Amanda and I played a game of Dominion and a game of San Juan tonight after putting Milly to bed.  I was surprised to have won both pretty handily.

In between the games we watched How I Met Your Mother.  There were several things that made me really laugh in tonight’s episode, but then I almost wanted to cry at the end of it.  It hit you with a tragedy you wouldn’t expect in a comedy, and it was right out of the blue.

Zach Dotsey