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This is my 2001st post on this website.  How cool.

Milly wasn’t really going for anything I offered her for breakfast this morning until I hit upon oatmeal.  We’ve had some in the cabinet for a while that I’ll pull out and eat every now and then, but judging from the way she downed the stuff today we’ll probably be out of it soon.

A little later she was looking in the fridge and decided she wanted to try some cherries that Nick and Amy had left here this past weekend.  I had to cut the pits out, but she liked those too.

Work kept me moderately busy.

Kirsten had pink eye, or at least some remnants of it, so Anna watched Milly tonight while Amanda and I went to small group.  She told us later that they played the whole time.  Milly even had Anna get in the big box that she got from the Frazelles for Christmas.

It was kind of a big night at small group tonight.  Everyone was there but Joel and Mia, but they were already in on everything.  Mia had announced to us all that her job schedule was changing so she and Joel wouldn’t be able to come regularly.  Long story short, they decided, right before we mentioned it to them, that they would become small group leaders and start a new group.  They and we discussed it with Mike and Sarah, and since they only live a few minutes apart, they’ll be going with them.  I’ll really miss the contributions they all make.

This coincided with an announcement at the advocates and leaders meetings that the church was going to be putting a focus on creating small groups that share a region or community, so we really see this as a God thing.

Anyway, most of the night was taken up discussing that.  That, and babies.  We were at the Johnsons’ and Jacob is just over a year old, but Parker Ayars and Hudson Cain were also there.  They’re both right at a month or younger, so there was a lot of talk about babies.

Zach Dotsey