Milly got up at 7 today.  I took a quick shower and she was sitting on the potty with her panties down when I came downstairs.  Kept her entertained until Karen showed up.  She wanted to wear her Blue Devil dress (a Duke cheerleader outfit) which made me proud.

Karen brought a big cardboard house.  Takes up like a third of her room.  Milly later napped in it and went to sleep in it tonight.  Threw out her old cardboard box which Kirsten had decorated and the Frazelles gave to her last Christmas.  Really hated to do it, but it had milk spilled in it some time ago.  Maybe I could have just cut out the bottom, but it’s too late now.

Milly and Karen left the same time I did.  I went to a meeting, they went out to play.  Meeting went well.  They were at Learning Express and I was close by, so I stopped in to see them.  Milly picked up an umbrella and said it was raining so I had to get under with her.  She ended up having that umbrella when she came home too (along with a kaleidoscope).  She spent all evening telling me and Amanda it was raining and trying to get us under the umbrella.

Worked until about 8, but not straight through.

Milly was in panties and pants upstairs playing in her house with Amanda and peed.  Too bad, she’s been doing so well.

Read The Lorax then she went to sleep.  Amanda and I finished catching up on Law & Order: SVU and watched last night’s episode of Once Upon a Time.

Zach Dotsey