Today was my brother Adam’s birthday.  I posted a message on his Facebook wall and I meant to give him a call, but every time I thought about it it was work time or I was driving and just about at my destination, so I put it off and ran out of time.  Sorry, Adam.  I was thinking about you though, for however much that counts.

It was also Aunt Reggie’s and Gregory Mason’s birthday.

Milly was up early yet again this morning, and yet again she stayed in bed and mostly let me sleep.  She grabbed my hand a few times and held it, which was really sweet.  What was annoying was that Cobb kept scratching at the carpet to get out of the room.  Amanda usually takes her shower and such before feeding him and the dogs, but I asked her to change that up because it’s common for Cobb to do that, and he’s making a mess of the carpet by the door.  Plus it wakes me up and is really annoying.

Milly was on a Little Einsteins kick this morning, so she watched some of that on the Kids On Demand channel.  I’ve never paid much attention to the show, but I do have the theme song embedded in my head now.  Every episode features a bit of classical music, and so I thought about Smetana’s The Moldau, which is a song I’ve liked since taking a music appreciation class way back when at UNCG.  Anyway, the very next episode I put on for her featured that song, so I thought that was kind of cool.

The Masons were looking for someone to watch their girls a couple afternoons every week because their sitter became unavailable and asked us this weekend if we’d be up for it.  Today was the first day Allison dropped Callie and Brynn off.  Milly had been napping, but as soon as they came in she was up and knocking at the door.  She and Callie ran around a bit, colored and danced.  Then Amanda took them outside, both still wearing princess dresses, and let them pick up pine cones, which they stacked in a semi-circle.

I’m looking forward to Callie coming over regularly because it’ll give Milly someone to consistently play with.  Brynn too, once she gets a little older, will be fun for her to play with, but I can really see her and Callie becoming good friends since they’re a lot closer in age.

Anna came over to watch Milly while Amanda and I went to small group.  We’re winding up our study of The Five Love Languages and decided to wrap up the last couple chapters on our own.  That is, outside of group.  David Sawyer suggested to do Starting Point next and the idea proved very popular.  I’m looking forward to it because Amanda and I planned to do it with a former small group a couple years ago.

Anna said she had a great time with Milly.  They played the whole time and she said Milly was pretty tired when they went upstairs for bed.  Milly’s new name is apparently Princess Mouse.

Zach Dotsey