I felt pretty frantic today trying to finish up one project and get a few more started. Not a bad thing I suppose, and things right now are at a point where I feel like I’ve got some breathing room.
I did take a little bit of time to play with Milly this morning. It’s awesome how much her imagination is blossoming. She wants to talk to just about every object she comes across, or to talk to it herself. She tells me who’s on the little green plastic phone from her kitchen set. (It was Wagon this morning, which I assume means her wagon.) We played with her Matryoshka owls that Karen bought for her on Monday, but only with the Daddy, Mommy (voiced by me) and Baby (voiced by Milly). Kirsten said she and Milly played with them tonight and Milly had a whole story for them. They were going to go to the park, but they didn’t have a car so they rode Carle (the Hungry Caterpillar), but then one fell off and got hurt, but the Mommy and Daddy fixed it.
I hardly saw the Mason girls at all today, as I was working, but I did come out a couple times. Once was because Milly hadn’t come to see me since she’d gotten up from her nap and another time was to get some water. I got a hug from Milly and Callie, who were both sitting at Milly’s table at the time, on the former trip and I saw and waved to Brynn during the latter. The older girls were upstairs playing in Milly’s room.
Speaking of Brynn, it turns out that she’s got pinkeye. I wiped down the zoo and Wolverine tonight. Milly wasn’t around her much, so we’re hoping for the best there.
We Dotseys went to Chick-Fil-A tonight for dinner and met the Johnsons there. Chick-Fil-A was donating a portion of some dinners to Cru’s Sweden mission trip.
As soon as we finished up with that we dropped Milly off at the house (where Kirsten was waiting on us) then went to small group. Amanda went to bed not too long after we got home. I watched a bit of Shallow Hal just because I’d never seen it before and it was on, but I came to write this after the first commercial.
Zach Dotsey