I was out doing a consulting gig late this afternoon, but I wanted to go ahead and get home before Milly left.  She was spending the night at the Griffens’ house tonight.  I pulled into the neighborhood and saw her walking down the street (accompanied by Amanda, of course) with her ladybug backpack and Brown, her dog thing that turns into a pillow with a sleeping bag stowed away inside it.  I parked the car at the Griffins’ then walked with them.

The Griffens were going to a carnival at Maddox’s school tonight.  We were invited to go too, but we already had plans, and since we weren’t sure what time we’d be back, Christin offered to let Milly just spend the night with them.  It’s not the first time Milly’s spent the night without us (my parents, Amanda’s parents, the Johnsons), but it was the first time she spent the night without us and stayed in the same room as someone else.  Christin told us that they were giggling for a little bit, but not long and that they fell asleep pretty fast.

Amanda and I had dinner at Islands with Cyra, our first time sitting in their new section, then we headed over to Ten Pin Alley for some bowling with the Hausers, three German guests of theirs, two other friends of theirs and Nick and Tristin, the newest members of our small group.

We had some fun.  We were in two groups and I think Amanda won the first set.  I did better than I did last time we went bowling, but it was nothing to write home about.  I did get better after I started throwing the ball like Nick was doing.  At one point Tristin tossed two balls.  The first one triggered the sweeper or whatever it’s called that picks up the pins and gets rid of the downed ones, but the other one hit the guard and rolled all the way back up the lane.

Zach Dotsey