Didn’t do my workout again today.  I was all set to do it, but then Milly wanted me to do her workout, which was a few stretches, hopping in circles, things like that.  I was still going to do it after that, but between getting breakfast for her and being called into the living room for various things, it just got too late.  I even had the thing on and had started, but I didn’t get past the first stretch.

Got a good bit done today.  I was able to work on a number of social media projects, mainly graphical updates, getting a couple accounts up and running, that sort of thing.

Amanda said Milly was good at dance class.  They came home and made a homemade pizza together for dinner.  We all watched Alice in Wonderland on Netflix together, then we played Candy Land.  I started out pretty far ahead, but Amanda got the little chocolate thing that looks almost like a cinnamon bun then I got sent all the way back to just about the start.  I lost, Amanda won and Milly finished second.

Finished up SVU, caught up on 30 Rock and Parks & Rec.

Zach Dotsey