Milly appears to have been constipated today, and she was not happy.  We looked around for some information and were told to try Mylicon, which is supposed to help gassy babies.  We gave it to her and a little while later, well, as I posted on Twitter, Milly exploded.  She was happy and we were happy, but we did have to do some major cleanup on the blanket she was wrapped in at the time.

In other baby poop news, I was changing her and she had a little eruption.  It was the first time, and I’m certain it wasn’t the last, that she pooped without a diaper on.

In other (though not nearly as) gross baby news, she also spit up on me today while I was burping her.  You wouldn’t think it’s that big of a deal, but Milly hadn’t spit up on anybody since she spit up on PawPaw (that’s her grandfather, Phil) about an hour after she was born.

We should have seen it coming though.  Late last night/this morning, while trying to get Milly to go back to sleep after a feeding, she spit up on the bed.  I ended up having to strip it and remake it at, what was it, about 4:00 in the morning while Amanda tended to her.  Not fun.

Outside of gross baby news, Trish Roberts, another of Amanda’s co-workers, came by with a cheese pizza from Elizabeth’s Pizza for dinner tonight.  She and Amanda did a little catching up on the goings-on at work.

I had a fun time holding Milly this evening.  She seemed to enjoy me lifting her up and bringing her back down and saying, “Up… down… up… down.”  She didn’t seem to enjoy me talking to her with a British accent though.

Remember the issue we’re having with the charger for our new camera?  Well, we were supposed to get a call by yesterday about it, but nobody called us so we called Panasonic (again) and waited on hold for 15-20 minutes (again) only t be connected to the wrong department (again).  Like last time though, when we told the guy who answered about our issue and how long we’ve been waiting, he helped us out.  Turns out they already sent the charger and it should be here tomorrow, without us having to pay for shipping or sending back the old one first.  Yay!

Michael’s car got towed from his apartment parking lot about ten minutes after he got home tonight.  We’re guessing his parking sticker fell off the rear view mirror again.  Amanda called around to see if she could help out.

So, we tried to get Milly down to sleep at about 7:00.  She was fussy and wouldn’t go to sleep though, and she didn’t end up going down until about 10:30.  This promises to be a fun night.

Zach Dotsey