Milly woke up several times this morning before it was time to get her up, but I let her stay in bed until it was time for her to get up.  She was really good for me today.  She was in a good mood and very happy, talkative and playful.

After Amanda got home I went upstairs to get my keys and Milly got upset.  She was very clingy, but in a sweet way.  She also pooped to some degree with every diaper change but maybe one today.  Hmm, I wonder if the two are somehow related?

We left a diaper at the Hollomans’ last night, so I stopped by there to pick it up.  Seth and I talked a minute, and he mentioned Duke’s Sweet 16 game Friday night, saying it was probably too late for us to come over to watch the game.  I said it probably was, but he told me that if Duke is down at the half I’d better get my butt over there.  Duke tends to win when I’m over there.

I mentioned that to Amanda, and she said that if they didn’t mind us being over there for a while then we could make it work.  Seth had mentioned playing some Puerto Rico, so Amanda said we could do that, put Milly down, play the game then watch Duke.  Of course, Seth and I will want to watch other basketball games at that time too, but I’m sure we could make that work.  I’ll run that by him tomorrow.

Eli Warkentien is one year old today!  Happy birthday, little buddy!

A health care reform bill was passed last night.  I’ll be honest, I haven’t kept up with it all that much and don’t know exactly what is changing.  I know a lot of people are upset about it and a lot of people are happy about it.  One thing it is supposed to do is to make health insurance more affordable, and that is something I am definitely in favor of.  Look, I don’t know the solution, but I do know something needed to change with our health care system.


Zach Dotsey