Milly was very upset at still being in her crib at 7:00 this morning, so I went ahead and got her up. I tried to get her to lie in bed with me and maybe sleep a little more, but that wasn’t happening. I ended up giving her a bath because she had a clump of dried snot in her hair and in several patches on her face.
Obviously, Milly was still snotty today. Her voice got pretty hoarse too, and she was very fussy at times, but she was a better day than yesterday. That’s good, because Amanda ended up working an hour or so late.
Milly was getting pretty restless this evening, so Amanda and I asked her if she wanted a bath. Aside from it generally keeping her entertained, she had snot all over her face and hair again. She had also poured a bunch of milk into her lap and had wet Rice Crispies stuck to her legs, so she kind of needed another bath anyway.
She had a good time, of course, but she was really sweet. At one point she was pointing to parts of the body that she knew (ears, eyes, nose, belly, etc.) when I showed her my elbow and told her the word. She was pointing to it and saying it when she grabbed my hand, pulled it in and hugged it. Then she put her arms around my neck and pulled me in to give me a long hug. She even patted my back some and gave me a few kisses on my neck and cheek. Really, I can’t describe how sweet it all was, and it came out of nowhere.
After she went to bed Amanda watched The Walking Dead while I finished up some work. She also did some laundry, though I helped out with folding and putting some up later. She took care of three loads total today, which is impressive since having more than one usually convinces her to just put it off.
She also packed up for our trip to Winston-Salem and finalized organizing shifts of people to come help take care of the boys (Bruce, Harvey and Cobb).
Speaking of the boys, Amanda dropped Cobb off at Banfield this morning and I picked him up when I went out to run some errands. Apparently he’d just had another bad allergic reaction to flea bites and was scratching too much. His face was starting to look really bad.
I talked to my buddy Jason Revill while I was doing my running around. We covered pretty much everything in that span: relationships, TV, basketball and probably a little bit more thrown in here and there. He’s going to go visit Liz this weekend and is looking forward to that.
Zach Dotsey