Well I finally got Jason Revill to join a few games of Global Conflict. It’s a lot like Risk, this game. A bit different, but a lot like it.

Speaking of Jason, he bought a bunch of issues of Miracleman last week and talked about how great it was to go back and re-read them. He’s been going through and counting up and indexing his comics lately, and when he mentioned the long run of Uncanny X-Men he had it prompted me to look up my run. In doing that I found my Miracleman run, so I was reading that tonight.

I also have been wanting to make a more formal list of the comics I’ve got. I’ve been keeping up with them on an Excel sheet, but I’d like to make a database of sorts. I was working on that when Amanda got home this evening (Michael had picked her up from the Volkswagen dealership where she dropped the car off to check out the check engine light, which they said is probably nothing major). While I was looking up sites to get a tutorial on working with databases Amanda decided she could fix up my Excel sheet enough to do what I wanted it to do. It was actually very endearing, her doing that. It was cute seeing her work hard at figuring out something that she didn’t likely care much about but that she knew would help me out. I can’t explain why exactly, but it reminded me of how much I love her.

While she was doing that I was reading Miracleman (which I kept referring to as Miracle Worker when talking to Amanda). Jeez, if that’s not the greatest comic book ever written, I don’t know what is. Except maybe Watchmen. I pulled that out too, or what I could find of it. I had a bunch of Alan Moore comics in one place, but I think they were all just thrown into one or a couple boxes and so Watchmen and V for Vendetta are incomplete in what I’ve pulled out, though I have the full runs of both.

Alan Moore is so awesome.

Getting away from all the fanboy business, I had a couple meetings with work today. The first was to discuss wrapping up a site we’ve been working on for a client for a while now. She’s a very nice lady and she shared that some of her products were being sold now in a number of local shops, so it’s exciting seeing all that happen. The second meeting was with our intern, Noelle. Starting tomorrow I’m going to show her a lot more of what we do and have her take a more active role in some of the duties I do.

I think that will really help me out. I’ve been feeling a little fatigued lately.

Anyway, most of this evening was spent with me reading Miracleman and Amanda watching TV, Michael playing Forza 2.

I did talk to Kyle and Lorin tonight, and we’re planning on having them over for dinner tomorrow night. I’ve also got to take Amanda to work, pick up the Jetta and pick Amanda up from work, which all kinda sucks, so I guess I’ll be getting on to bed.

Zach Dotsey