Woke up this morning at 5:57 and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I played quick Lux Touch, a Risk clone on the iPhone. I dominated it, so I knew it would be a good day.

Got up and updated this site.  Amanda was up at 7, Milly shortly after that.  Brought her downstairs and the first thing she was was a large My Little Pony named Twilight sitting in her chair facing the steps from across the living room.  She saw the pony, saw that Santa’s cookies and milk were gone, then saw Wonder Pets in her stocking.

We opened presents.  Toys for Milly, tops for Amanda (one won’t work), hat, scarf and running shoes with a tracker to measure distance and pace for me.

To Richlands for breakfast with Karen’s new waffle maker.  Called/texted lots of people on the way.  We opened presents after breakfast. My big one, of course, was the phone I already got.

Left for Rougemont at about 1:15.  Milly napped briefly in the car.  Got there around 3:30.  Jackson was the first outside to greet us.

More presents.  Adam gets Santa of the year I think.  Got Milly a big box of dress -up clothes, Addison a big box of little My Little Ponies and an electric guitar with an amp for Jackson.  The girls got a little tired of opening presents and wanted to play with things.  We took a break and Milly and Addison got to go get on horses.  The Cherryholmeses came and we did Dirty Santa.  Andra and Josh conspired to steal Alchemy, an expansion for Dominion, from me.

After Milly went to bed I showed Adam and Josh Epic Rap Battles of History.  Amanda, Erin, Andra played Dance Dance Revolution 3 for the Wii for literally three hours.

Adam, Josh and I taught Jackson how to play Sorry, which was from me and Amanda.  Adam won, followed by, me, Jackson then Josh.  After that we played Ticket to Ride.  I won that too, followed by Amanda, Adam then Josh.

Zach Dotsey