Milly stayed with Karen and Phil tonight. Amanda and I left there after we put Milly down for a nap. She was playing with a bride Barbie Amanda had found in a box. It was a collector’s edition, but it wasn’t worth more than it originally was, so Amanda let her open it. There were a few others she didn’t let Milly play with though.
We got home a little after 3v unloaded the car and dropped Harvey off, sat around for a few then headed off to the 4:00 service at church. Had Islands for dinner after.
Called my parents to see how the computer-TV setup was going and it sounded like they had everything figured out.
Caught up on Supernatural. FaceTimed Milly. She goes nuts any time she’s on that.
Cobb was walking around with his mouth open a lot tonight. He had eaten and drank, didn’t seem to be in any discomfort, wasn’t panting or breathing funny. We could even shut it for him, but he just kept it wide open most of the night.
Zach Dotsey