Anna brought us bagels this morning.  She liked my facial growth.  Since I haven’t mentioned it, I’ve not shaved my face but once since Amanda’s surgery.  When people ask me why I say it’s because Amanda can’t snuggle on me right now so she can’t complain.  The truth of the matter is… I don’t know, I just felt like it.  Amanda’s not a big fan, but I think it’s just because it’s scratchy when I kiss her.

Michael came by in the afternoon and played Scrabble with Amanda.  He was doing really well, but then he got a bunch of letters that he could use all of if he could find a place to put them.  I think it was NATIONAL.  Instead of trying to play and at least get some points he kept skipping his turn so he could hold onto it and hopefully find a place to put it and get a 50-point bonus.  He ended up skipping his turn five times, but Amanda wasn’t given much to build off of since she could only build off her own words.  Michael started playing again after he realized Amanda had gained over 70 points in the goes he’d skipped.

Amanda won.

We had a new couple join our small group (which is getting pretty big) tonight.  It was Justin and Lisa Hauenstein.  They contacted us a couple weeks ago about joining the group and we’d made plans to get together, but Lisa was sick for a time and then Amanda had her surgery, so it just never happened.  They did meet up with Elliot and Melissa though, and they rode over to the house with them.

It was mostly a social night.  Food was brought and we all spent some time getting to know the new couple.  Everybody was there except Rob and Kristen.  Kristen had texted Kaitlyn a little before it was time for small group and said it was just too crazy of a day, or something to that effect. 

Hopefully Amanda will be comfortable sitting in regular chairs without a pillow by next week, because if all the couples show up at our house, sitting space will be at a premium.

Zach Dotsey