There was a bit of work to do today, finishing up a few things from yesterday, calling people for follow ups and such. I didn’t expect it to be terribly busy since after work today everyone was starting their Memorial Day Weekend vacations. And it wasn’t too busy. There was stuff to do but it wasn’t overly stressful.
Michael came by with his new phone. He got a RAZR. They weren’t able to transfer numbers to his new phone though, which is such a pain. One of the many great things about the iPhone is that it synchs all your contacts from your computer onto your phone, so there’s not really a lot you have to do for it in that regard. Amanda got off work early today and she went out with him to look at some apartments. Michael’s roommate moved out a few months ago to move in with his girlfriend and another couple (I won’t even begin to comment on that) but he’s still paying half the rent until the lease is up. Once the lease is up Michael won’t be able to afford the place he’s staying. So Amanda went to help him look at places.
They came back shortly before I was done with work and we went to eat at O’Charlie’s. Michael either hadn’t been to an O’Charlie’s before or it had been a long time, but it’s one of Amanda’s favorite places to go.
After we got back we cleaned a little- Amanda folded and put away clothes and I joined her after I vacuumed. Then the three of us played Settlers of Catan. Can you tell that we like this game? Michael won tonight.
He left after that to go watch a Lakers game and Amanda and I putzed around until Ben and Jessica Lambeth got here from Winston-Salem. We sat around and chatted for a while then introduced them to Settlers too. It was a longish game but Ben won. Beginner’s luck, right? It’ll be great when he and Michael play together, assuming that happens this weekend. They both take long turns.
The Lambeths gave us a new lawn game for Amanda’s birthday. They call it Horse Nuts, and I think we’re going to try it out on the beach tomorrow.
Zach Dotsey