Last Dance of the Year

Last Dance of the Year

Busy as I’ve been today, I took an extended break to go to Milly’s dance class today.  It was the last one of the year and Miss Michelle let the parents sit inside the dance room to watch all their little girls perform some of the dances they’ve been learning.  Milly seemed very excited that […]

#1 Duke

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it yet, but Nextwave has had a lot to do lately.  I’ve got two websites I’m trying to finish before the end of the year.  I’ve got a rough draft for a book cover I’m working on for someone, then I’ve got to look into updating their homepage and […]

Dunks, Waffles, Books and Visitors

I volunteered at church this morning, running cameras.  It was a nice week to do it because I had the honor of helping film the baptism of Glenn, one of the other camera/production volunteers.  I don’t know him really well, but we work together sometimes and he’s always been good to talk to. On top […]

Wandering Belle

I recently made a playlist of Disney music for Milly on Spotify and we spent a bit of the morning dancing to that.  When the song at the beginning of Beauty and the Beast came on, Milly, who was already in her Belle dress, got a book and wandered back and forth in the living […]

Hug Your Kids

Hug Your Kids

That seems to be the only thing people are able to take away from the terrible, terrible thing that happened in Newtown, Connecticut today.  A 20-year-old man killed his mother, took her guns and went to Sandy Hook Elementary School and killed 20 six- and seven-year-old kids and six adults including the principal and the […]