About Done with Christmas Shopping

I nodded off during the second half of the game last night, but not because it was boring.  Duke took Gonzaga to the old proverbial woodshed and ended up winning 76-41. Amanda hasn’t been feeling the absolute best the past few days, so last we decided to play by ear which church service we’d go […]

Nothing in Here is Beautiful

Karen joined us for church this morning.  It started off with some jazzy Christmas music then transitioned into some more traditional (albeit still pop and rock-influenced) music.  After the service I collected Milly from Grow Zone and gave her to Amanda.  Since she’s not been able to get over this cold she’s got I wrote […]

Robin Hood is Dead

As I have yet to get my car jumped, Nick was kind enough to pick me up on the way to work (or, as I call it, church) this morning, where I ran a mobile camera.  During the first service I mostly stuck to the floor while getting a few shots of one of the […]

Surfing Out of Shape

Church was just amazing today.  Mike Ashcraft wrapped up a series on an in-depth look at Jesus and at the end a guy came out and painted two pictures.  It’s better to show it than to describe it, and you have to see him paint the pictures, so I’ll wait until there’s video available of […]

A Brand New Day (Happy First Birthday, Addie Sawyer!)

Happy first birthday to my niece, Addison Sawyer, and happy fifth month birthday to my daughter, Milly Dotsey! Last night before I went to bed I felt feverish, and, right before I went to bed, I started shivering.  I took some NyQuil and considered taking some Pepto Bismol, but read an applicable reason for not […]