Prayers for G.G.

Prayers for G.G.

Amanda got a call from her mom while we were at Anna and Barry’s for dinner tonight.  Earl, Amanda’s grandfather, had been afraid that Peggy, his wife, had had a stroke.  She had sat down, her eyes rolled back and she wasn’t able to communicate with him for a time.  Earl called an ambulance and […]

My Social Bug

My Social Bug

Amanda, Milly and I went to Wrightsville Beach today.  We meant to go in the morning but after taking our time to get ready and making a stop at Old Navy we didn’t get out there until a little after noon I think. Old Navy was a pretty fun stop.  We went there because they […]

My 6 AM Zeal

My 6 AM Zeal

I had my alarm set for 6:20 this morning so I could get up and go to Port City Community Church to run a camera.  I woke up at 6:08 and figured I might as well get moving.  I got to church a little before 7:00 and was the first person in the cafe where […]

Milly Paints Her Toes

Milly Paints Her Toes

At our church, when a kid acts up or is in some way uncontrollable in one of the children’s ministries, a number goes up on the screen to let the parent know they need to come get their kid.  The numbers are randomly assigned each week.  Usually when a number pops up we’ll glance at […]

PC3 Improv

PC3 Improv

Michael and Jenn came over to watch Milly tonight so Amanda and I could go to a leaders meeting at Port City Community Church.  They had a cookout with hot dogs, lots of chips and desserts.  They then had an improv show that was put on for us, and that was a lot of fun. […]