An Hour or So

I feel like I didn’t see Milly all that much today.  She got up and we played tackle for a while (where I sit on the floor and she runs into me from across the room), but I took her over to Nick and Amy’s to play with Eli after Amy texted and asked if […]

Milly’s Balance Beam

Last week after dance class Milly said she wanted a balance beam, so Amanda called her dad and asked if he could put one together with any spare beams laying around his shed.  When Karen came to watch Milly today she brought it, and the first thing I had Milly do was call her Paw […]

Missing Cobb

Missing Cobb

Don’t worry, he’s back now, but Cobb was gone for about 21 hours today. It all started last night when Harvey came barreling downstairs to go outside to pee.  I let him out, and Cobb ran out with him.  Bruce came to go outside a few minutes later, and Cobb was by the door then, […]

Farewell Konnys

Watched Olympics.  Really enjoyed the archery (America placed silver after Italy, losing by one point) and fencing.  Milly seemed to kind of like that too, so I showed her the foil I have from when I fenced at UNCG.  Made me want to get all my old gear back. Erin stopped by with her friend […]

Dark Knight Shooting

Dark Knight Shooting

Amanda and Milly went to Old Mac Faye’s Farm this morning, a little farm not too far away in Castle Hayne.  They were there with a bunch of other kids and their moms (and Kevin Millard, who went because Lauren stayed home with a sick William).  It sounded like they had a good time. Since […]