Windows Pitch

Last week we got a call from a window company saying we’d been referred to them by Nick and Amy Warkentien.  Nick and Amy had recently replaced the windows in their house, and I knew they were happy with them, but I told the lady I talked to that we had no money to buy […]

A Day of Win

Wins for me today: Duke over Virginia, a game of San Juan and two games of Dominion.  There was also a game of Carcassonne, but I got second in that.  That’s a lot of win. Amanda told me this morning that she wished she had the waffle maker she got for Christmas then promptly forgot […]

Wilmington’s Snow of 2010

I woke up early this morning so I figured I’d get a head start on work.  It being a Monday, I was working at the kitchen table and, after Amanda left, I remember looking outside and suddenly, as if out of nowhere, snow had covered most of the ground. The first thing I did once […]

Mini Zoo

Amanda thought it would be a fun idea to take Milly to Petsmart this morning after a pancake breakfast, and she was right.  Milly had fun looking at the puppies, kitties, birds, lizards, gerbils and fish.  It was like a mini zoo.  We did get some dog food, so at least we contributed something. After […]

New Year’s Eve 2010

We were going to go over to the Boneskes’ to celebrate the new year tonight, but when Milly woke up her eye was so covered with crusted-up gunk that she couldn’t even open them, so we took her to the pediatrician.  They said it wasn’t pink eye and gave us some eye drops for her, […]