Group Game Night

Group Game Night

First off, happy 34th birthday to my good buddy Jason.  I forgot to call him today, but we texted a bit tonight. As she’s been doing lately, Milly got up a bit early and got in bed with me.  She ate dry cereal and watched PBS Kids while I attempted to sleep.  That worked better […]

Milly’s Third Birthday Party

Milly’s Third Birthday Party

Spent the morning finishing getting ready and setting things up in and around the house. A while back I tossed something over the fence by the driveway and it broke the top of the fence in that spot.  Dad switched it out with another one from the corner hidden away behind the trees.  Great idea, […]

The World has Lost Some Magic

The World has Lost Some Magic

We have a game called Ticket to Ride.  I came in second place the first time we played it.  Ever since then, as long as it wasn’t a two-player game, I’ve always come in first place.  Until tonight.  Twice.  Amanda and I played with Nick and Amy tonight, and I came in second both times. […]

Losing Macao

Losing Macao

Got up this morning and went to Beulaville to have breakfast with Peggy and Earl, Amanda’s grandparents.  Milly was very eager to go to GG’s park, which is what she calls the little park across the street from their house.  Karen was there too, as she is every Saturday morning. Went to Amanda’s parents’ house […]

Mr. Caterpillar

Mr. Caterpillar

Amanda took Milly outside today and found a caterpillar to put in the little bug cage Karen bought for her a few weeks ago.  There was a stick and leaves for it and everything.  When we left for small group, she and Kirsten were playing with it out on the patio.  When we got home […]