No Hurricane Earl Worries

Hurricane Earl continues to not worry me in the least.  I’ve heard all kinds of chatter about it on Facebook and such, but look, people, the storm isn’t going to hit Wilmington.  Wind will be in the mid-teens and it will rain a bunch tomorrow.  Friday there will be a little less rain and no […]

Nick and Amy Return

It’s been a while since we’ve hung out with the Warkentiens, through nobody’s fault, of course, except that our family and theirs both had a lot going on over the last month and some change.  So today Nick called us about all going to the Children’s Museum downtown, but they ended up taking a nap […]

Eli’s Purple Shorts

There was a small group leaders meeting tonight.  Amanda went while I stayed home to watch Eli for Nick and Amy, who were also going, and Milly.  The Millster was napping when he was dropped off and he entertained himself for a bit so I was able to do a little work.  By the time […]

Max Alone

(Like Home Alone.  Yeah?  No?  No.  Oh well.) I fell asleep on the couch last night and woke up to Milly crying rather loudly at 5AM.  I went upstairs and changed her diaper and put her back down, but she was up and crying again shortly after.  Amanda headed downstairs, but the crying didn’t bother […]

Milly’s One Year Checkup

I did end up updating this site to WordPress 3.0.  I had some issues with using the automatic update, but I did a manual install after that and it fixed everything.  It was late by the time I got it all sorted out though, so I didn’t have much time to look over the new […]