Fine Dining Restaurant-Quality Dinner
Our small group was treated to a fine dining restaurant-quality dinner by the Ayars tonight. No joke. I mean their place smelled like a restaurant. The first course was what Paul described as sort of a fisherman’s soup. Honestly, I didn’t like a lot of the stuff in it, but I did give it a […]
Discounts at The Fuzzy Peach
Like DJ Lance says, I said to Milly today, “Let’s think back and remember all the fun things we did today!” We did have a fun and full day today. We went to the pool where we met up with Cyra. She and Amanda spent most of the time sunning and talking about work and […]
A couple days ago when Amanda and I were talking about going to see the Thor movie tonight, Thursday, I called it Thor’s day. At first she thought I was just being a dork, but then I rattled off the other days of the week named after Norse gods: Tuesday for Tyr’s day, Wednesday for […]
Big Girl Bed
Amanda called me while I was out this afternoon to tell me that Milly had done the worst thing she could do upstairs during naptime. I’ve seen that she’s been diaperless a time or two, so my guess was that she’d pooped and taken off her diaper. No, she didn’t poop and take off her […]
Makes No AdSense
I found out a few days ago that my Google AdSense account had been disabled. I’m not 100% sure why, and it sucks that Google decided that they a) are keeping it that way and b) won’t bother to tell me why, especially since they’re keeping the thirty or so bucks I’d built up. I […]
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