Yoga Dagger Surfing Piranhas

I’ve been meaning to mention this, but for about a month or so now Milly’s had a recurring diaper rash.  It’s been really bad the past few days, which Amanda thinks might be from being in kiddie pools.  The poor thing- her heiney is so red and sore that she dreads having her diaper changed […]

My New Office

Lately Amanda has been thinking of ways to make it easier for me to both work and watch Milly at the same time.  Her first idea was to move a desk to right outside of the nursery, which wasn’t a bad idea.  Today she mentioned another idea though, and that was to switch the guest […]

Surfing Out of Shape

Church was just amazing today.  Mike Ashcraft wrapped up a series on an in-depth look at Jesus and at the end a guy came out and painted two pictures.  It’s better to show it than to describe it, and you have to see him paint the pictures, so I’ll wait until there’s video available of […]

More Ooh and Aahs

Amanda and I switched feeding shifts last night, so I got the honor of waking up at 3AM to feed Millybug.  I guess it wasn’t all that bad. The series that started this week at Port City Community Church is about the Book of Ruth.  I like these in-depth studies because Mike Ashcraft, the preacher, […]

My First Father’s Day

As I write this I’m sitting in bed at the end of my first father’s day with my two best girls: my wife, Amanda and my daughter, Milly. We got to bed about 10:00 last night.  Amanda and I held hands and said a prayer, thanking God for the gift of our daughter and asking […]