I’m Gonna Count to Three

I’m Gonna Count to Three

Amanda finished making cupcakes for Milly’s party this weekend.  She also found out that the traditional parental threat of “If you don’t [insert undesired action by offspring] by the time I count to three, I’m going to [insert punishment here] doesn’t work on Milly. What happened was that Milly was reaching up on the counter […]

Burning Trees

Burning Trees

I spent a few hours today burning limbs and clippings from what Phil and I cut yesterday.  As you can see from the picture, I had several tree’s worth of debris.  In case you’re wondering, the fire was behind that pile, in the burn pit.  I wasn’t burning that massive pile in the middle of […]

The Day of Milly’s First Reece’s Cup

The Day of Milly’s First Reece’s Cup

In talking about our time spent this afternoon with the Frazelles, I was going to mention Milly’s first Reece’s Cup and include a picture of it.  They had been eating Reece’s Cups a few days ago and Barry said, “You know who would really like one of these?  Milly.”  So they saved her two of […]

Ice Cream with the Frazelles

Ice Cream with the Frazelles

While I was running through rehearsal for running a video camera at church today, my cousin was busy becoming a first-time dad.  Congrats to David and Ksusha Cherryholmes on the arrival of Anya Cherryholmes, who came in a eight pounds and 22 inches!  I think it’s so cool that Milly’s now got a younger cousin, […]

Big Girl Bed

Big Girl Bed

Amanda called me while I was out this afternoon to tell me that Milly had done the worst thing she could do upstairs during naptime.  I’ve seen that she’s been diaperless a time or two, so my guess was that she’d pooped and taken off her diaper. No, she didn’t poop and take off her […]