Gross Stuff You Probably Don’t Want to Read

When I went to bed last night I noticed that my stomach was a little upset and thought about taking a Tums, but I was already pulling the covers up over my shoulders at that point, and nobody like to get out of bed at that point, you know? I don’t think a Tums would […]

Milly, Yeah

Usually when you knock on Milly’s door in the morning, if she’s up and moving around she’ll answer, “Yeah?”  You can keep knocking and she’ll say it in different ways.  Sometimes it will be a normal question, sometimes it will be fast and excited.  It usually depends on how fast and how loud you knock. […]


After church, Amanda, Milly and I went to Atlanta Bread, as is our custom.  Milly was in a pretty good mood, so we decided to walk over to Barnes & Noble so she could look at some books and play with the trains.  She was really cute on the way over, saying, “Ready, set go!” […]

Christmas Eve 2010

I ran out to pick up a couple things- cat food, a last minute gift for Amanda’s grandpa, this morning.  While I was out I decided to call some of our friends to wish them a merry Christmas.  I was originally going to do it tomorrow, but with all that would be going on for […]

12 Days at PC3

Port City Community Church’s opening was not to be missed today.  It started out with a rendition of 12 Days of Christmas sung by Micah Kolk.  Seriously, Micah is one entertaining guy.  After that they showed the annual Christmas card, which had some very nice trick editing. Oh yeah, Mike’s message was pretty good, too.  What stuck […]