Michael Mercer’s Washer and Dryer

Amanda and I slept in until about 10:00 today, which was a nice little change.  My plan was to get up and mow the yard, but it was drizzling out, which is how it stayed pretty much all day today.  On the subject of needing to mow the lawn, the good thing, I noticed today, […]

Kaitlyn Boscaljon’s Birthday Party

I got a bug to play with Photoshop a bit this evening and I came up with this picture.  I also did a surfing collage featuring me, Michael Mercer and Lars Boscaljon.  I’m not entirely happy with it so I’m not going to bother posting it. Speaking of Lars, my wife, Amanda Dotsey, and I […]

Back to Back Meetings

I had back to back meetings that took up literally half my day today, so I spent a good portion of my day up at The Connection.  You know, I really like that place- good atmosphere and good food and all, but the wireless connection is very spotty.  I’ll be online for a bit then […]

A Rumor at Small Group

We had small group at our house tonight.  Justin Hauenstein, Elliot Clark and Melissa Nicholson weren’t able to make it, but Polly and Dave Clawson, our small group coaches, came to check things out.  This was the first time they’d had a chance to meet Lisa Hauenstein and the first time they’d really gotten to […]

Offer from Ole Miss

I was playing College Hoops 2K7 last night.  It was NCAA tournament time and I got as far as the Elite Eight and lost by a basket or two.  I thought about resetting the game and trying again, but I figured a Sweet 16, three consecutive championships and an Elite Eight appearance was all good […]